Design Thinking

The original from Potsdam

The Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam is the European pioneer in the teaching and further development of Design Thinking. We have prepared the experiences from 200 innovation projects in videos. For all teams that want to use Design Thinking in their projects.

The Design Thinking Package

The Design Thinking Package

60+ Videos

60+ videos (DEU/ENG)

Didaktische Aufbereitung

Didactic processing


Unlimited access

Inputs & Teamsessions

Inputs & Teamsessions

Regelmäßige Updates

Regular updates

Kontakt zu den Coaches

Contact to the coaches

Stories from real innovation projects

Experienced coaches share their experiences with Design Thinking

Team work commented by coaches

Insights into the work of the teams with design thinking methods block

Methods for teamwork

Step-by-step instructions for the most important methodent block


Regular updates on methods and innovations
