User interviews - what do we have to watch out for?

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A question we often hear from project teams: "What are you trying to avoid in user interviews?" šŸš§ Our answer: "There are pitfalls and absolute no-gos" . Today we present you 2 no-gos ā˜ ļø and 2 techniques where we have to weigh šŸ‘ / šŸ‘Ž.

Our coach Holger shows a no-go ā˜ ļø Hypothetical questions :


From the category: "It depends" šŸ‘ / šŸ‘Ž Closed questions:


And a second clear no-go ā˜ ļø opinion polls:


And here, too, it is important to weigh up šŸ‘ / šŸ‘Ž Questionnaires:

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